Investigation Año V - Nº V - 2011  
By Leonardo Pablo Palacios


The "social consensus" appears as a democratic, generating product of participative debates on questions of social interest. Here there appears a critical vision of this definition of "consensus", relating her more to the imposition than to the participation, which happens, in many processes of constitutional construction. For it there are approached the needs of the way of production in certain historical moment and her influence in the constitucionalización of certain rights. We understand that the notion of agreement to be more suitable to generate more democratic social, and participative constructions, which include the discussion on since a society produces and distributes the goods and services necessary for a harmonic life.

Key words

Consensus - Constitution - Social Contract - Capital - Means Of Production - Workforce - Fiction - Subject

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Revista Electrónica Año I,  Nº 1
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