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Eje Protocolos, guías y directrices para la aplicación del Derecho con perspectiva de género

Título: Gender Stereotyping and the Judiciary: A Workshop Guide
Autor: ONU Human Rights, Office of the high comissioner
Temática: Stereotyping and the Judiciary
Palabras clave: Stereotyping; awareness of judges; judiciary
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Resumen :  This Workshop Guide provides guidance for organizing and holding workshops to raise the awareness of judges at the national or regional level about the role of the judiciary in addressing wrongful gender stereotyping. It provides a suggested programme and methodology and a detailed outline for a number of sessions, with presentations, notes and exercises that can be adapted to different contexts and needs
Tipo material: Guía
Idioma: Inglés
Formato: PDF
Tipo de acceso: Abierto