Organizers diploma in Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
The Course on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights is part of the Online Courses Cicle. This edition was organized by the Human Rights Center (University of Buenos Aires Law School), the Interamerican Court of Human Rights and the Special Rapporteurship on Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights. The project rises from the need to join efforts in order to promote the dissemination, knowledge and implementation of human rights, particularly in unequal regional context, characterized by systematic human rights violations. Therefore, human rights education is a key tool to identify and claim the effectiveness of these rights.
The aim of the course is to analyze basic aspects of ESCER. Its purpose is to highlight the developments on ESCER in the region, by identifying the dimension of the interamerican system, as the noteworthy progress in local jurisdictions, and the possible interaction between both of them.