Online Course on “Food Law and Agribusiness”
General Coordinator of the Online Courses: Natalia D. Corleta
Academic Coordinator of the Course: Leila Devia.
Academic Sub-coordinator of the Course: Claudia Villanueva.
Administrative Coordination Team of the Online Courses: Florencia Lujan Tebes y María Solange Molina y Ana Barcelona Hipperdinger.
Shooting and Editing: Nicolás Braguinsky Cascini and team (Pablo Braguinsky Cascini and Sofía Gabelli).
Program [download pdf]
First Class: In Remembrance of Beatriz Núñez Santiago
Lecturer: Silvia Nonna (S.J.D by the University of Buenos Aires. Professor in the School of Law, UBA).
Second Class: Food Production and Mineral Fertilizers
Lecturer: Beatriz Krom (Professor in the School of Law, UBA.)
Third Class: Consumption and the Environment: Communication between Fundamental Rights.
Lecturer: Carlos Eduardo Tambussi (Lawyer, UBA. President of the Commission in Consumer Law of the Association of Lawyers of Buenos Aires).
Fourth Class: Registration of Phytosanitary Products. Maximum Limits on Waste. National and International Criteria and the impact on International Commerce
Lecturer: Daniel Mazzarella (Agronomist Engineer by the UBA. Specialist in food security by the University of La Plata. Coordinator of the phytosanitary area at the National Food Safety and Quality Service of Argentina (SENASA). Professor of “Crop Protection” in the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires).
Fifth Class: Human Right to Water and the Necessary Interconnection with the Human Right to Food
Lecturer: Adriana Norma Martínez (Lawyer. Notary. Master in Human Environment.)
Sixth Class: Social Responsibility in the Organization of the Food Chain
Lecturers: Adriana Norma Martínez (Lawyer. Notary. Master in Human Environment) and Adriana Rosenfeld (Computer Scientist. Bachelor in Environmental Information., Expert in ISO 26000).
Seventh Class: Food Law and Gender Equity
Lecturer: Adriana Norma Martínez (Lawyer. Notary. Master in Human Environment).
Eight Class: Food Surveillance
Lecturer: Augusto Gabriel Popp (Bioengineer by the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de Entre Rios).
Ninth Class: International Agriculture
Lecturer: Leonardo Fabio Pastorino (Lawyer by the University of La Plata (1989) and PhD. In Political Sciences by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italia (2005). President of the World Union of Agricultural Law).
Tenth Class: Viticulture
Lecturer: María José Iuvaro (Lawyer by the University of Mendoza (1983). Consultant with the National Institute of Viticulture. External Consultant with the MERCOSUR Workshop Wines).
Eleventh Class: Legal Regime of Sea Fishing
Lecturer: Daniel Seitune (Lawyer by the UBA. Specialist in Environmental Law by the UBA. Professor in the postgraduate course of the Specialization Career in Law and Natural Resources and Environmental Policy of the UBA).
Twelfth Class: Sanitary Policy - State Control on the Adulteration, Falsification and Contamination of Foods. Doctrine and Jurisprudence
Lecturer: Marcelo Capelluto (PhD. in Law by the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES), lawyer specialized in the Legal System of Natural Resources by the UBA and specilized in Environmental Law by the University of Belgrano).
Thirteenth Class: Sanitary Policy - The Responsibility of Agents in the Food Chain. Doctrine and Jurisprudence
Lecturer: Marcelo Capelluto (PhD. in Law by the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES), lawyer specialized in the Legal System of Natural Resources by the UBA and specilized in Environmental Law by the University of Belgrano).
Fourteenth Class: Food Law
Lecturer: Héctor H. Pilatti (Lawyer. Professor in the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires, in the University of La Plata and in the ISALUD University at a graduate and postgraduate level).
Fifteenth Class: Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals
Lecturer: Claudia Villanueva (Lawyer by the UBA specialized in Legal System of Natural Resources. Professor of the subject Legal System of the Natural Resources and Protection of the Environment. PhD by the UBA).
Sixteenth Class: Sustainable Development Goal: Zero Hunger
Lecturer: Claudia Villanueva (Lawyer by the UBA specialized in Legal System of Natural Resources. Professor of the subject Legal System of the Natural Resources and Protection of the Environment. PhD by the UBA).
Seventeenth Class: The Sanitary Regulation of Innocuity and Agrifood Quality Set Forth in Law No. 27233
Lecturer: Gustavo González Acosta (S.J.D. [UCES] specialized in Politics and Law of Natural and Environmental Resources [UBA]. Specialist in Environmental Law [Universidad de Belgrano]. Holds a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Eighteenth Class: The Legal Regulation for Indication of Origin and Origin Denomination of Agricultural and Food Products
Lecturer: Gustavo González Acosta (S.J.D. by the UCES specialized in Politics and Law of Natural and Environmental Resources by the UBA. Specialist in Environmental Law [Universidad de Belgrano]. Holds a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Nineteenth Class: Constitutional Features of Food Law
Lecturer: Marcelo López Alfosín (S.J.D. in Law. Professor of Legal Regulation of Natural Resources and of Human Rights and Guarantees in the UBA and of Constitutional Law)
Twentieth Class: The Sugar Industry and its Analysis in the International and the Argentine Context
Lecturer: Rodolfo Roballos. (Holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics by the University of Buenos Aires and a Master of Business Administration by the International Institute for Management Development of Switzerland).
Twenty-first Class: Health of Beef Cattle I and II
Lecturer: Juan Carlos Acuña (Lawyer by the Universidad de la Plata. Holds a post-graduate degree in Agrarian and International Environmental Law by the Universidad de la Plata).
Twenty-second Class: Food Safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
Lecturer: Marcela Álvarez (Biochemist specialized in bromatology and nutrition by the University of Buenos Aires. Specialist in Food Industrial Quality by the Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Quality Manager of the DGQ [Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitat e.V] and EOQ [European Organization for Quality]. Certified Quality Auditor. DGQ/EOQ. Department Chief of Microbiology of the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologìa Industrial).
Twenty-third Class: Introduction to Agrofood Quality Food Safety
Lecturer: Marcela Álvarez Biochemist specialized in bromatology and nutrition by the University of Buenos Aires. Specialist in Food Industrial Quality by the Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Quality Manager of the DGQ [Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitat e.V] and EOQ [European Organization for Quality]. Certified Quality Auditor. DGQ/EOQ. Department Chief of Microbiology of the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologìa Industrial).
Twenty-fourth Class: Food Safety - Food Sovereignty
Lecturer: Leticia Bourges (S.J.D. and LL.M. by the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and LL. M. by the Université de Nantes related with Agrofood Law).
Twenty-fifth Class: The Concern of Food Waste and its Capitalization
Lecturer: Leila Devia (LL.D. by the Universidad del Salvador. Professor in the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires).
Twenty-sixth Class: Nutrition: an Interdisciplinary Study from the Social Sciences Perspective. An approach from History and Evolution: the Homo Sapiens and Food
Lecturer: María Susana Hernández (holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and a Law Degree from the University of Buenos Aires. Professor in the Faculty of Law and the Common Basic Cycle of the University of Buenos Aires. Consultant and advisor in Economics and Law).
Twenty-seventh Class: Nutrition: an Interdisciplinary Study from the Social Sciences Perspective. An Anthropological Approach to Food and Culture
Lecturer: María Susana Hernández (holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and a Law Degree from the University of Buenos Aires. Professor in the Faculty of Law and the Common Basic Cycle of the University of Buenos Aires. Consultant and advisor in Economics and Law).
Twenty-eighth Class: Nutrition: an Interdisciplinary Study from the Social Sciences Perspective. An Economical and Pessimist to the Problem of Global Hunger
Lecturer: María Susana Hernández (holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and a Law Degree from the University of Buenos Aires. Professor in the Faculty of Law and the Common Basic Cycle of the University of Buenos Aires. Consultant and advisor in Economics and Law).
Twenty-ninth Class: Nutrition: an Interdisciplinary Study from the Social Sciences Perspective. Other Approaches from History and Economy: the Positive Panorama
Lecturer: María Susana Hernández (holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and a Law Degree from the University of Buenos Aires. Professor in the Faculty of Law and the Common Basic Cycle of the University of Buenos Aires. Consultant and advisor in Economics and Law).
Thirtieth Class: Historical Evolution of Food Regulation
Lecturer: María Cristina López (holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry by the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Quality Manager of the DGQ [Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitat] and Specialist in Food Industrial Quality by the Universidad Nacional de San Martín).
Thirty-first Class: Food Regulation in Argentina: the Argentine Food Code
Lecturer: María Cristina López (holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry by the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Quality Manager of the DGQ [Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitat] and Specialist in Food Industrial Quality by the Universidad Nacional de San Martín).
Thirty-second Class: Food Regulation in Argentina: the Argentine Food Code
Lecturer: María Cristina López (holds a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry by the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Quality Manager of the DGQ [Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitat] and Specialist in Food Industrial Quality by the Universidad Nacional de San Martín).
Thirty-third Class: Aggregate Value Tools. New Technologies. Other regulations
Lecturer: María Cristina López (holds a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry by the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Quality Manager of the DGQ [Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitat] and Specialist in Food Industrial Quality by the Universidad Nacional de San Martín).
Thirty-fourth Class: Agrarian Contracts as a Means for Agribusiness.
Lecturer: Nancy Malanos (S.J. D. by the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Specialist in Agrarian Law by the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Professor in the Universidad Católica Argentina in Rosario and in the Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano).
Thirty-fifth Class: Food Safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This module is imparted by the following lecturers:
- Gustavo González Acosta (S.J,D. by the UCES specialized in Politics and Law of Natural and Environmental Resources (UBA). Specialist in Environmental Law (Universidad de Belgrano). Holds a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
- Gabriel Popp (Bioengineer graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos).
- María José Iuvaro (Lawyer by the University of Mendoza (1983), Consultant with the National Institute of Viticulture, External Consultant with the MERCOSUR Workshop Wines).