Philosophy of Law International Symposium
Rationality in Law

5-6-7 May 2014, Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law, Buenos Aires University

The Faculty of Law of Buenos Aires University (Argentina) together with the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University (Russia), are calling for applications to participate in the Philosophy of Law International Symposium "Rationality in Law"

Papers accepted & Forums |


Monday, May 5th, Blue Room

  • 8.30 /10.00: Registrations
  • 10.00 / 11.00: Opening. Welcome Speech
    Prof. Dra. Mónica Pinto (Dean, Faculty of Law, Buenos Aires University)
    Prof. Dr. Eugenio Bulygin (Cochair, Buenos Aires University)
    Prof. Dra. Elena Lisanyuk (Cochair, St. Petersburg Estate University)
    Prof. Dr. Ricardo Guibourg (Cochair, Buenos Aires University)
    Prof. Dr. Enrique Zuleta Puceiro (Director of Departament of Legal Philosophy, Buenos Aires University)
    Dr. Juan Pablo Alonso (Executive Team Leader, Buenos Aires University)
  • 11.00 /11.30: Coffee break (Aula Magna´s Hall, next to the Blue Room)
  • 11.30 / 13.30: Plenary Session
    Prof. Dr. Mikhail Antonov (National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, St. Petersburg)
    “Some Reflections about Unity of Law and of Normative Systems”
    Dra. Laura Clérico (UBA)
    “About the rationality of legal solutions. The case of proportionality”
  • 13.30/ 15.30: Break for Lunch
  • 15.30 / 17.30: Plenary Session
    Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Chiassoni (Genoa University, Italy)
    “Legal Interpretation without Truth”
    Prof. Dr. Ricardo Caracciolo (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
    “Reasons and Norms. A Review”
  • 17.30 / 18.00: Coffee break (Aula Magna´s Hall, next to the Blue Room)
  • 18.00 / 20.00: Plenary Session
    Prof. Dr. José Juan Moreso (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain)
    “On Normative Determination: Gaps, Holes and Leaks”

Tuesday, May 6th, Blue Room

  • 9.00 / 11.00: Forum 4
    Rationality, Criminal Law and Evidence Assessment
  • 11.30 / 13.30: Forum 5
    Logic of Norms and Legal Theory
  • 13.30/ 15.30: Break for Lunch
  • 15.30 / 17.30: Plenary Session
    Prof. Dr. Martín Farrell (UBA)
    “Bentham´s Theory of Adjudication: Two Competing Models”
    Dr. Jorge Rodríguez (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata)
    “Normative Systems, Legal Gaps and Logical Closure”
  • 17.30 / 18.00: Coffee break (Aula Magna´s Hall, next to the Blue Room)
  • 18.00 / 20.00: Discussion
    “My view about Rationality in Law”
    Prof. Dr. Eugenio Bulygin, UBA
    Analitycal Position
    “My view on Rationality in Law”
    Prof. Dr. Carlos Cárcova, UBA
    Critical Position
    “Formal Rationality or Hermeneutic Rationality for Complex Societies Law”
    Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Vigo (Universidad Austral)
    Iusnaturalist-Neoconstitucionalist Position
    “Rationality of Law”

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Jorge Douglas Price (Universidad Nacional del Comahue)

Wednesday, May 7th, Blue Room

  • 9.00 / 11.00: Forum 6
    Present Problems of Rationality in Law
  • 11.30 / 13.30: Forum 7
    Rationality, Adjudication and Legal Principles
  • 13.30/ 15.30: Break for Lunch
  • 15.30 / 17.30: Plenary Session
    Prof. Dr. Jorge Cerdio (ITAM, México)
    “Reasoning in the legal and moral domain. Two reasons, different rationalities”
    Prof. Dr. Ricardo Guibourg, UBA
    “Reason and Magic in Law”
  • 17.30 / 18.00: Coffee break (Aula Magna´s Hall, next to the Blue Room)
  • 18.00 / 19.30: Plenary Session
    Prof. Dra. Elena Lisanyuk (St. Petersburg State University)
    “Three faces of deontic logic in law”
  • 19.30 / 20.00: Closing
    Prof. Dr. Eugenio Bulygin (Cochair, Buenos Aires University)
    Dr. Juan Pablo Alonso (Executive Team Leader, Buenos Aires University)

Plenary Speakers will expose in English language. There will be simultaneous translation to Spanish language and attendants will have the speakers’ works with their translation to Spanish language beforehand.


The plenary speakers and the forum’s lecturers will receive their certificates with their registrations (Monday May 5th 8:30/10:00 AM, Blue room’s entrance).

The assistants will have to inscribe to the symposium during the registration time (Monday May 5th 8:30/10:00 AM, Blue room’s entrance) and will receive his/her certificate on Wednesday May 7th.

Organized by

University of Buenos Aires
St Petersburg State University


Symposium Chairs

Prof. Dr. Eugenio Bulygin
Prof. Dr. Sergey Doudnik
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Guibourg
Prof. Dra. Elena Lisanyuk



Organizer committee

Prof. Dra. Mónica Pinto
Prof. Dr. Andrey Polyakov
Prof. Dr. Hugo Zuleta
Prof. Dr. Vadim Perov
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Barbarosch
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Lobovokov (Ekaterinburg)
Prof. Dr. José Luis Monti
Prof. Dr. Igor Nevvazhay (Saratov)
Dr. Sergey Kasatkin (Samara)




Executive Committee

Dr. Juan Pablo Alonso
Prof. Dra. Elena Lisanyuk
Abog. Isabel Novosad
Dr. Michael Antonov
Abog. Gabriela Scataglini
Dr. Dimitry Gousev
Abog. Ezequiel Monti
Abog. Julieta Rábanos
Est. Ayelén Salgueiro





Department of Philosophy of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires
Permanent Seminar of Logic of Rules and Theory of Law "Alchourrón & Bulygin" directed by Eugenio Bulygin and Hugo Zuleta. Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires.
