Inner Development Goals

Theory and practice focused on students´exchanges on some transformational skills.

Profesora: Andrea Fernández

* English for Specific Purposes, nivel intermediate.

Introduction: The IDGs initiative has co-creation at its center with ongoing development and input from more and more experts, scientists, practitioners and organizations around the world. In 2021 the first IDGs report was published that explains the background, method and framework with 5 dimensions and 23 transformational skills.

The current IDGs framework represents 5 dimensions and 23 skills and qualities which are especially crucial for all of us.  It is the greatest possible accelerator to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and create a prosperous future for all humanity.

We are going to explore the IDGs, their history and evolution, and have a first hand experience of our personal awareness and development of some of these skills.  This course is an invitation to reflect on our own process of inner development, as individuals and as a society.

First Dimension: Being: Relationship to self: inner compass, integrity and authenticity, openness and learning mindset, self awareness, presence.

Second Dimension: Thinking - Cognitive Skills: Critical thinking, complexity awareness, perspective skills, sense-making, long-term orientation and visioning.

Third Dimension: Relating - Caring for others and the World:  Appreciation, connectedness, humility, empathy and compassion. 

Fourth Dimension: Collaborating - Social Skills: communication skills, co-creation skills, inclusive mindset and intercultural awareness, trust, mobilization skills,

Fifth Dimension: Communicating - Enabling Change: Courage, creativity, optimism, perseverance.


- Paradigm Shifters: How innovative practitioners of deeply regenerative agriculture are pioneering inside-out systems transformation Research

- Inner Development Goals Framework

- Inner Development Goals Toolkit

- The Harvard Human Flourishing Program hosts Inner Development Goals - Video

- Scharmer, Otto (2016) Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges, Berret- Koehler, California.

Profesora: Andrea Fernández

Traductora Pública, Scriber y Profesora Universitaria, especializada en Liderazgo Ecosistémico y Objetivos de Desarrollo Interior (IDG)