Conferencia Regional Sudamericana de la International Society of Family Law. Familias en condiciones precarias: ¿precariedad de los vínculos familiares?
El pasado 11 de abril, en el Salón de Actos, tuvo lugar la Conferencia Regional Sudamericana de la International Society of Family Law: "Familias en condiciones precarias: ¿precariedad de los vínculos familiares?", organizada por la International Society of Family Law, la cátedra Berbere Delgado, el Seminario Permanente de Investigación en Bioética y Dilemas Bioéticos en el Derecho de Familia del Instituto Gioja y el Proyecto de Investigación Jurídica en Temas Estratégicos sobre Modelos de Intervención en Violencia Doméstica (Berbere-Basset). En tanto, la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas (UAI), la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Palermo y la Asociación Argentina de Derecho Comparado auspiciaron el evento.
Durante la apertura de la actividad, intervinieron Lidia Hernandez (directora del Master in Family Law, UBA), Jorge Berbere Delgado (director del Seminario “Bioética y Familia”), Frederik Swennen (presidente de la ISFL) y Ursula Basset (secretaria general de la ISFL).
Lidia Hernandez resaltó la importancia del tema elegido. “La precariedad de los vínculos familiares”, aclaró. Además, agregó que la mirada que orientaba el encuentro sería la sociológica. “Abarcativa a temas lejanos al Derecho de Familia pero que han afectado su labor”, enfatizó.
Participaron en calidad de expositores/as: Ann Estin (University of Iowa-Aliber Family Chair and Professor of Law); Antonello Miranda (University of Palermo-Full Professor of Comparative Law and European Private Law- Department of Political Sciences and International Relations; Director of the International Centre of Advanced Studies (A.S.Cent.) - University of Palermo; Fellow of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies - London University; Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law; Member of the Council of the International Society of Family Law); Atieno Samandari (Emory Law School-Professor of Practice); Beatriz Ramos Cabanellas (UDELAR – Directora del Departamento de Derecho Privado); Carolina Alt Da Silva (Universidad Bagé – Rio Grande do Sul-Abogada, Profesora universitaria. Posgrado en Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones (PUCRS), Máster en Derecho y Justicia Social (FURG); Christine Bidaud (University of Lyon-Full Professor of private and international private law), Crystal Welch (Mississippi College School of Law -Associate Clinical Professor in the Family and Children's Law Center at MC Law); Emma Whewhell (University of the West of England, Bristol-Solicitor (University Pro Bono Law Clinic); Senior Lecturer in Law (Family Law; Dispute Resolution); Empirical Researcher (Children's Social Care/ Family Law Dispute Resolution); Erez Aloni (British Columbia University-Associate professor in the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia. Member of the Executive Council of the International Society of Family Law and has been the Faculty co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Family Law since 2017); Frederica Giardini (University of Padua- Professor of Private Comparative Law and Private Law of European Union at the University of Padua - School of Law); Frederik Swennen ("University of Antwerp-Senior Full Professor of Family Law. President (2023-2026) of the International Society of Family Law. Founding Principal Investigator of RETHINKIN (; Graciela Medina (UBA-Profesora Titular de Derecho de Familia); Hazel Thomson-Ahye (Senador Trinidad y Tobago); Héctor Campos García (PUCP-Profesor Ordinario Auxiliar (Área de Derecho Civil); Hugues Fulchiron (Corte de Casación Francesa-Professor at the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France), judge of the French Cour de cassation, past director of the Centre de droit de la famille (Lyon), member of the Institut universitaire de France); Jens Scherpe (Aalborg University-Professor of Comparative Law, Aalborg University; Director, Nordic Centre for Comparative and International Family Law (NorFam); Emeritus Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge; Extraordinary Professor, University of the Western Cape, South Africa); Johanne Clouet (University of Montreal-Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Montreal); John Asland (University of Oslo-Professor University of Oslo from 2012. Member of ISFL Executive Council from 2017); Jorge Berbere Delgado (Profesor Titular, UBA); June Carbone (University of Minnesotta-Robina Chair in Law, Science and Technology); Karine Boselli (Universidad de Sao Paulo-Máster en Derecho Internacional - USP/ Doctorado en Derecho Internacional - USP); Katrine K. Fredwal (U. Oslo-Associated Professor, PhD in economic family law, lawmaker for the Government for 20 years); Marcos Córdoba (UBA – Decano UAI); Marsha Garrison (Brooklyn Law School-1901 Distinguished Research Professor of Law, past president ISFL); Nazia- Yakub (U. Leeds-Lecturer in law and qualified family lawyer); Samia Bano (University of London- Reader in Law, School of Law, Media and Gender SOAS, University of London), Sofia Sagüés (Profesora U. Austral) y Ursula Basset (Profesora UBA, Secretary General ISFL).