Teaching staff of the Master's Degree in International Human Rights Law

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Víctor Abramovich Víctor Abramovich

Jurisprudence of the Inter-American human rights system

Holds a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires and an LL.M from the American University. Professor in the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires and in the University of Lanús, Victor Abramovich is also a visiting professor in the American University and in the Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar in Ecuador, among others.

From January 2006 to December 2009, he acted as Commissioner in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. He was also a Rapporteur on indigenous people rights and on women’s rights at the IACHR.

Abramovich has also worked as Executive Director of the Center for Legal and Social Studies in Argentina, legal adviser of the Ombudsman Office of the City of Buenos Aires and consultant of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights.

Author of various specialized publications, particularly on economic, social and cultural rights.

Marcelo Alegre Marcelo Alegre

The Foundation of Human Rights

He holds a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires and has obtained a post-graduate and a doctorate degree from the New York University. Professor of General Theory of Law and Philosophy in the University of Buenos Aires and Global Law Professor in the New York University. He is a member of the Ethic Committee of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina and of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the UBA. Moreover, he is a member of the Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico.

He was a guest professor of the Philosophy Department of the Ruhr Universitat Bochum in Germany and at the Faculties of Law of the Universities of Puerto Rico, Chile and Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. He was a guest investigator of the Center for Latin American Studies of Stanford University and of the Law School of Yale and the Autonomous University of Madrid, among others. He has also been a fellow researcher of the Center for Institutional Studies, presided by Carlos Nino.

Marcelo Alegre has directed various investigation projects, including: UBACyT “Principle of autonomy, popular sovereignty and theory of the democracy” (2016-2018) and “Principle of autonomy, freedom of consciousness and freedom of religion” (2013-2016).

He has published, edited and co-directed many books on theory of law, political philosophy and constitutional law. He has also written various essays in indexed journals.

Santiago Cantón Santiago Cantón

Inter-American System of Human Rights

He holds a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires and a postgraduate degree from the American University. Professor in the Law Schools of Georgetown University and American University.

In 2017, he was one of the three independent experts summoned to be part of a panel to evaluate crimes against humanity in Venezuela in order to present a case at the International Criminal Court. He was Executive Director at the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, and, from 2001 to 2012, Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In 2005 he was granted the Gran Premio Chapultepec of the Inter-American Press Society for his contribution to the promotion, development, strengthening and defense of freedom of speech in the Americas. In 1998 he was named the first Rapporteur of Freedom of Speech of the Inter-American System. Between 1989 and 1998 he worked at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), where he acted as Director for Latin-America and the Caribbean since 1994.

Pablo Ceriani Cernadas Pablo Ceriani Cernadas

Universal Human Rights System

Lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Magister on International Migration from the European University of Madrid and PhD in Human Rights from the University of Valencia. He is Director of the Specialization in Migration and Asylum from a Human Rights perspective at UNLa, professor at Argentine universities (UNLa, UBA, UNSAM) and guest professor at several foreign universities. He is a consultant for different UNICEF offices on the rights of children and adolescents in the context of migration. He has been a consultant for the ILO and UNFPA on migrant workers' rights and the rights of young people and migrant women. He is a member of the Global Migration Policy Associates (GMPA). Between 2014 and 2017 he was a member of the United Nations Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families, being its Vice-President between 2016 and 2017. He has participated as an expert witness in cases of migrants and refugees before the IACHR Court. Between 1999 and 2007 he worked at the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) where he coordinated the Legal Clinic on Rights for Migrants and Refugees and directed the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Program.

Florencia Corbelle Florencia Corbelle

Legal Anthropology

Professor in Anthropological Sciences, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a doctorate degree in Social Anthropology, both from the University of Buenos Aires. Researcher at the Political and Judicial Anthropology Team of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Buenos Aires, fellow postdoctoral researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina and professor of under-graduate and postgraduate courses in different universities. She specializes in the study of police and judicial practices, public policies and legislative reforms concerning drugs and political activism of drug users.

Luciano Hazán Luciano Hazán

Universal Human Rights System

Member of the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances of the United Nations.

Nahuel Maisley Nahuel Maisley

The influence of human rights on the law in force in Argentina

Holds a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires and an LL.M from the New York University. He is finishing his doctorate studies at the University of Buenos Aires, under a fellowship from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina. He is a regular Assignments Supervisor of International Public Law at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires.

He has received various distinctions, including UBACyT and DeCyT fellowships, the Hauser Global Scholarship, the Thomas Franck Scholarship in International Law, the Lloyd N. Cutler Fellowship in International Law, and awards, such as the Jerome Lipper Award in International Legal Studies. He was a visiting researcher at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain, and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany.

He has been published in different specialized journals, like the European Journal of International Law.

María Josefina Martínez María Josefina Martínez

Legal Anthropology

Bachelor in Anthropological Sciences by the University of Buenos Aires. Associate professor in “Antropología Sistemática I” and “Las burocracias judiciales en perspectiva antropológica” and regular professor at the Thesis Workshop II of the LL.M in Social Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Buenos Aires. Researcher at the Political and Judicial Anthropology Program of the Anthropological Sciences Institute of the UBA, and at the projects “Judicial bureaucracies, trials for crimes against humanity and jury trials from an anthropological perspective.” (2018-2020) and “Bureaucracies and rights: juridical and political activism in the institutional field of administration of childhood, family and kinship” (2018-2020). From 2018 to 2019, she was the director of the Department of Anthropological Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the UBA.

Claudia Martin Claudia Martin

Concept and evolution of human rights

Professor Claudia Martin is Professorial Lecturer in Residence and Co-Director of the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. In addition, she is the Co-Director of the LL.M. Program in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. She teaches and specializes in international law, international human rights law, and the Inter-American Human Rights System.

She is also a founding member of GQUAL, a campaign to promote gender parity representation in international courts and organs, and serves as a member of the campaign’s Secretariat. Professor Martin has represented GQUAL before different international organizations, including the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the United Nations Working Group on the Issue of Discrimination against Women in Law and Practice.

Julio Montero Julio Montero

The Foundation of Human Rights

Holds a bachelor’s degree and a doctorate degree in Philosophy from the National University of La Plata. He also holds an LL.M in Human Rights and a doctorate degree in Political Theory from the University College London. Montero is a Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina, and he is an adjunct professor of Law Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Buenos Aires.

His work has been published in different journals, such as The Journal of Political Philosophy, Human Rights Review, The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, and Metaphilosophy.

Julieta Rossi Julieta Rossi

Jurisprudence of the Inter-American System

Holds a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires and a master’s degree from the New York University.

Professor in the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Palermo. Rossi is Director of the ESCR-Net - International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and she is a member of the executive committee of the Center of Legal and Social Studies.

She has worked as Director of the Program of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Center. She coordinated the litigation work brought to the Inter-American System of Human Rights as an agent for Argentina at the Center for Justice and International Law.

She worked as a private attorney in criminal law, administrative law and freedom of speech, and she has worked as a legislative consultant specialized in constitutional law.

Roberto Saba Roberto Saba

Equality and Non-Discrimination

Holds a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires and an LL.M and a doctorate degree from Yale University. Professor of constitutional law and human rights in the UBA and in the University of Palermo since 1997.

Co-founder of the Association for Civil Rights of Argentina, he was the Executive Director of the ACR (2001-2009), and the Executive Director of the Fundación Poder Ciudadano, Capítulo Argentino of Transparency International (1995-1998).

Saba is the author of a long list of articles and books on constitutional law and human rights, especially on the principle of equality.

María José Sarrabayrrouse Oliveira María José Sarrabayrouse Oliveira

Legal Anthropology

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropological Sciences and a doctorate degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires. Adjunct Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina. Researcher at the Program of Political and Legal Anthropology of the Institute of Anthropological Sciences Institute of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Buenos Aires and the Institute of Estudos Comparados em Administração Institucional de Conflitos de Universidade Federal Fluminense. She was director of the UBACyT ``Judicial bureaucracies, trials for crimes against humanity and jury trials from an anthropological perspective.” (2018-2020). Adjunct Professor in the Anthropological Sciences career of the University of Buenos AIres and professor in different postgraduate programs.

She has been published in international and national books and journals on the topic of judicial power, public hearings, judicial family, dictatorship and human rights.

Silvina Zimerman Silvina Zimerman

Jurisprudence of the Inter-American System

Lawyer. Doctor of Law by the University of Buenos Aires. Adjunct Professor of Human Rights and Warranties in the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, of various postgraduate courses in the UBA and the University of San Martín. Director of the doctorate in law program of the University of Lanus.

Pro-Secretary of the Office of the National Attorney General. Ex coordinator of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Area, and of the international task force of the Legal and Social Studies Center. She used to be a fellow type I and II researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina.