Information on LL.M. in International Human Rights Law

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The LL.M. in International Human Rights Law and the Specialization Career in Human Rights Law are academic spaces with specific orientation in the area of human rights at levels other than the PhD. The programs have been designed in a way in which students can do both (see “Study Plan” section.)

LL.M. in International Human Rights Law

Total hours: 718 (558 hours on-site classes and 160 hours to prepare the Thesis.)

In order to acquire the Master’s degree of the University of Buenos Aires in International Human Rights Law, applicants must pass the subjects, seminars and other academic activities outlined in the Study Plan and the Thesis.

Specialization Career in International Human Rights Law

Total hours: 414 on-site classes

In order to acquire the Specialization degree on International Human Rights Law, applicants must pass the subjects, seminars and other activities outlined in the Study Plan. Students must also pass an integrative evaluation of theoretical and practical knowledges.