Authorities of the Master's Degree in International Human Rights Law

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Martín Sigal Mónica Pinto


Emeritus Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. Member of the Institut de droit international and of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Treaties and Recommendations of the ILO. She has been a professor of International Public Law and Human Rights at the Faculty of Law of the UBA, where she served as Dean (2010-18). She was a visiting professor at Columbia University, Paris I & II University, Rouen University; and has also taught at The Hague Academy of International Law, the Inter-American and European Institutes of Human Rights. She has held several mandates for the UN in the field of human rights. Member of the ICSID Panel of Conciliators and Arbitrators. She acts as a lawyer, expert or arbitrator before different human rights bodies, arbitration tribunals and the International Court of Justice. She was a member of and presided over the administrative tribunal of the World Bank and the IDB. She has published five books and numerous articles in Latin America, the United States and Europe.

Natalia Luterstein Natalia Luterstein

Vice principal

Lawyer and PhD in the area of Public International Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. Likewise, she has a Master's Degree in Public International Law from The London School of Economics and Political Science.

Interim Adjunct Professor of the subjects “Subjects and Jurisdictions” and “Sources of Public International Law” at the University of Buenos Aires. She is also in charge of several modules and subjects of recognized Master's Degrees taught by prominent universities.

Works in the Office of the General Defender of the Nation with the position of Administrative Deputy Secretary in the area of Institutional Relations in the International Field. Within this framework, it works with the Inter-American Association of Public Defenders and its relationship with the bodies of the OAS and the UN, with the Specialized Meeting of Public Defenders of MERCOSUR and with the Block of Official Public Defenders of MERCOSUR.

Susana Albanese Susana Albanese

Board member



Silvina S. González Napolitano Silvina S. González Napolitano

Board member



Juan Antonio Travieso Juan Antonio Travieso

Board member



Raúl Emilio Vinuesa Raúl Emilio Vinuesa

Board member



Pablo Damián Colmegna Pablo Damián Colmegna


Pablo Damián Colmegna is a lawyer cum laude with a specialization in public international law, Master in International Relations from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Specialist in Human Rights and Critical Studies of Law from the Latin American Center for Social Sciences (CLACSO) and Specialist in Human Rights and Constitutional Studies from the University of Bologna.

He has studied human rights at the Hague Academy of International Law, the International Institute of Human Rights of the René Cassin Foundation, the University of Pretoria and the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas.

He is a professor in the subject "International Human Rights Law" (UBA) and has also served as academic tutor in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition and in the Inter-American Human Rights Competition of the American University.

He is coordinator of the Diploma on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights and of the Diploma on Freedom of Expression (UBA). He is also Academic Secretary of the regional course "Semillero Latinoamericano" organized by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Human Rights Center of the School of Law (UBA).

His research work includes business and human rights, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, indigenous peoples' rights, among others, and he has been invited to lecture at the University of Copenhagen, University of Glasgow, Maastricht University, University of Birmingham, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Universidad de Chile and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Rocío Tamara Cisneros Rocío Tamara Cisneros
