Admission to the Master of International Human Rights Law

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LL.M. and Specialization Career

The deadline for applications for the 2025/2026 cohort starts on 12 August and ends on 11 October 2024. Remember that if you have already been admitted to a Specialization or Master's Degree or to the Doctorate within the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, you can take subjects from our Study Plan under the independent modality (see "Independent Courses" below.)


The applicant must:

  • be a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires with a law degree, preferably, or a related degree of at least 4 years' duration; or
  • be a graduate of another Argentine university, preferably with a law degree or a related degree, of at least four years' duration; or
  • be a graduate of a foreign university having completed at least a 2,600-hour course of study or have a training equivalent to a Master's degree level I; or
  • be a graduate of non-university higher level studies of at least four years' duration, provided that they also meet the requirements determined by the Master's/Specialization Career Committee in order to ensure that their training is compatible with the requirements of the postgraduate course.

Exceptionally (when the applicant does not meet any of the above requirements):

  • have a relevant research or professional background, provided that the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Law, on the recommendation of the Master's/Specialization Career Committee, grants its approval.

Application process

1) Complete the following online form (you will need a 4x4 photo in high resolution .jpg format):;

2) Send by email to

I. Curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages);
II. Motivation letter (maximum 400 words) containing: most relevant background and academic and professional objectives that lead you to apply for admission to the Master's Degree/Career;
III. Proof of reading comprehension of English or French language, level B2 (CEFR);
IV. Photocopy of degree;
V. if your mother tongue is not Spanish, proof of reading comprehension of Spanish language, level B2 [CEFR].

The pre-selected candidates will be contacted in due course by the Coordination of the Master's Degree/Specialization Course, who will assess the performance of interviews in person or via Skype. Only those candidates who have received the official communication of admission from the Coordination will be able to advance in the registration process.

Independent courses

The application for admission must be submitted up to one month before the start of the course(s) for which you intend to register
Remember that you can only take a total of 3 subjects from Cycle A and D and 6 from Cycle B and C under this modality.


The applicant must:

  • be admitted to a Specialization or Master's Degree or to a Doctorate within the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires.

Application process

Send by email to

I. Proof of admission to the Specialization/Master's/Doctorate course
II. Curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages);
III. Motivation letter (maximum 400 words) containing: most relevant background and academic and professional objectives that lead you to apply for admission to the course(s) of the Master's Degree/Career;
IV. Proof of reading comprehension of English or French language, level B2 (CEFR);
V. If your mother tongue is not Spanish, proof of reading comprehension of Spanish language, level B2 [CEFR].

The pre-selected candidates will be contacted in due course by the Coordination of the Master's Degree/Specialization Course, who will assess the performance of interviews in person or via Skype. Only those candidates who have received the official communication of admission from the Coordination will be able to advance in the registration process.